02129300379 Whose Number?

Whose Number is 02129300379? Recently, it has been reported that there is a group trying to defraud citizens by using the name “Güven (Piran) Law Office” from the phone number 02129300379. These scammers try to trap people by claiming to have legal problems and steal their money.
How Fraud is Committed?
The scammers usually pick random numbers from the phone book and call them, telling them that they have legal problems and that they should contact “Güven (Piran) Law Office” to solve these problems. These people usually express their need for legal assistance in matters such as debt, divorce, inheritance or litigation.
Fraudsters may use fake documents and information to convince victims. They also put victims under pressure and insist that they pay their money upfront, making them make split-second decisions.
How Can You Protect Yourself?
You can take the following measures to protect yourself from such scams:
- Do not answer calls from unknown numbers.
- If you need a law firm, do your research online and seek advice from trusted sources.
- Never give money over the phone.
- Before going to a law firm, check the lawyer’s license and registration information.
- Before taking any legal action, get advice from more than one lawyer.
- If you think you have been scammed, report it immediately to the police and the prosecutor’s office.
Information About Güven (Piran) Law Office
There is no information that there is any legally registered law firm with the name “Güven (Piran) Law Office”. This name is likely to be a name invented by fraudsters.
Number Blocking Methods
You can block phone numbers to protect yourself from unwanted calls and messages. There are several different ways to do this:
Blocking on your phone:
- Android Phones:
- Open the Phone app.
- Tap an incoming call or message from the number you want to block.
- Tap “Block” or “Block Number”.
- On some models, you can also go to the call history and long press on the number you want to block.
- iPhone:
- Open the Phone app.
- Tap an incoming call or message from the number you want to block.
- Swipe up the contact name or number.
- Tap on “Block this Contact”.
- Windows Phone:
- Open the Phone app.
- Tap an incoming call or message from the number you want to block.
- Touch the “…” icon.
- Tap on the “Block” option.

Operator Services:
- Most operators offer a number blocking service. To use this service, you can call your operator’s customer service or visit their website.
- Example:
- Turkcell: You can send an SMS to 2200 by typing CAGRIENGELLE 5XXXXXXXXX.
- Vodafone: You can send an SMS to 7000 by typing ENGELLE 5XXXXXXXXX.
- Türk Telekom You can block numbers by dialing 118 or by visiting https://www.turktelekom.com.tr/.
Third Party Applications:
- There are also many third-party apps you can use for number blocking. These apps often offer additional features, for example:
- Block spam calls automatically
- Receive calls and messages from blocked numbers as notifications
- Block calls during certain hours
Things to Watch Out For:
- If you want to call or text a blocked number again, you must first unblock it.
- Some scammers may call back using different numbers from blocked numbers. In such cases, you can use your operator’s fraud reporting service.
Additional Information:
- You can view the list of blocked numbers on your phone.
- You can remove blocked numbers from the block list.
- Some phone models also have the option to automatically block all unknown numbers.
Scammers try to deceive people by developing new methods every day. Therefore, it is very important to be aware and be careful. In light of the above information, be wary of calls from 02129300379 and never give your money to this number. If you think you have been scammed, contact the authorities immediately.