Who is Lawyer Beste Yildiz? Hgs Debt Message

Who is Lawyer Beste Yildiz? Is Hgs Debt Message Real? Recently, increasing cases of HGS fraud are causing many citizens to worry. Fraudsters started to send SMS messages to people using names such as Lawyer Beste Yıldız, saying that enforcement proceedings will be taken for your HGS debt. The purpose of these messages is to scare people and make them transfer money quickly. So, how reliable are such messages? Is the name of a lawyer really being used or is this a scam? Let’s look at the details.
What is HGS and How to Inquire HGS Debt?
HGS (Fast Pass System) is an electronic system used on highways and bridges that allows drivers to pass through their vehicles without stopping. Vehicle owners benefit from this system by topping up the balance in their HGS accounts. However, sometimes debts may accumulate when the balance is insufficient or when illegal passes are made. In such cases, the HGS debt inquiry process is quite simple. You can follow these steps to inquire HGS debt:
- You can make an inquiry with your ID and vehicle license plate through PTT branches.
- You can view your HGS debt via the e-government system.
- You can also make a quick inquiry via PTT’s HGS website.
However, the messages sent by scammers usually do not reflect a real debt. For this reason, always check whether you owe HGS debt through official sources.
Fraudulent Messages Named Lawyer Beste Yıldız

Recently, many people have received a message on their phones from a lawyer named “Attorney Beste Yıldız” warning that enforcement proceedings will be initiated for HGS debts. The content of these messages is usually as follows:
“Enforcement proceedings will be initiated due to your HGS debt. Call the following number to contact lawyer Beste Yıldız. To make a payment, click on the link ………”
Such messages are purely fraudulent. Fraudsters take advantage of a person’s state of fear and panic and try to extort money from people by using the name of a so-called lawyer. Real lawyers and law firms reach debtors legally and never use threatening language via SMS. Moreover, lawyers are prohibited from calling or texting debtors. Bknz: Law on Lawyers
What to Watch Out for Scam Messages
Such SMS scam messages can victimize many people. Here are some things you need to know to be wary of such messages:
- Lawyers do not provide information via SMS: If you really owe a debt, lawyers usually reach out to you via official notification, not SMS.
- Do not believe threatening messages: Legal proceedings are carried out by a specific procedure, not by threatening messages.
- Do not call the numbers in the message: The numbers mentioned in the message usually belong to scammers. Calling these numbers can lure you into a bigger scam trap.
- Make your debt inquiries from official sources: Use only official sources to inquire about your HGS debts. Do not go to fake sites where scammers direct you.
What Should Be Done to Combat SMS Fraud?
Here’s what to do if you receive such messages:
- Ignore the message: SMS messages sent by scammers often contain fake information. Therefore, ignore such messages.
- Contact law enforcement: If you have received a suspicious message, contact your nearest police department or cybercrime unit.
- Save your phone number: Save the phone number in the incoming SMS and report it to the authorities.
- Check your debt through official means: Check if you owe HGS or any other debt through official channels.
- Perform a blocking operation: By blocking scammers’ numbers from your phone, you can prevent them from ever contacting you again.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. How to make an HGS debt inquiry?
You can query your HGS debts at PTT branches, via the E-government system or via PTT’s HGS website.
2. Does lawyer Beste Yildiz really exist?
There may be a lawyer with this name, but scammers are trying to trick people using this name. Therefore, the information in the message may not be true.
3. How can I recognize scam messages?
The messages often contain threats and ask you to pay quickly. Such an approach is not possible in legal proceedings.
4. What should I do after receiving scam messages?
Ignore such messages, block the numbers and report the situation to the authorities.
5. How to initiate enforcement proceedings for HGS debt?
If you have a real HGS debt, you will first receive an official notification. Then the legal process is initiated, and the process is not carried out using threatening language via SMS.